

Deborah Chong MD

Holistic Gynecologist

I have been a practicing physician for over 15 years in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology and women’s health.

During this time, I was Chief of Gynecology at my local hospital.  In addition to having my own patients, I’ve been a teacher to residents and medical students.  I also started my own 501c3 non-profit organization in 2006, Medicine in Action, dedicated to helping women in Tanzania and Jamaica.

I believe that basic healthcare is a human right. I am a dedicated healer and passionate about my work.

Women are the cornerstone of society. Helping women get well empowers not only them, but it also benefits their families and community.

My story

About 10 years ago, my father was diagnosed with cancer and was told that he would not survive for more than two months. 

My mother brought him to see a nutritionist in Jamaica, where they lived at the time.  He was placed on a radical diet and he lived for another two years, where he was still able to play golf and tennis for most of that time.  The stress that my mother endured taking care of him caught up with her and she ended up getting cancer.  She had to leave the island for treatment. 

During that time, my father became very lonely and his cancer returned and he succumbed to it. My mother survived, and is still alive today; but after my father’s death I had profound changes in my life.

A moment of reflection

I launched my own research into health and wellness, learning about nutrition and illness. Sadly, this subject was not taught when I attended medical school and I became discontent with the profession that I studied so hard to master.

I began to meditate regularly and I made some drastic changes in my diet. And so the transformation began. In fact, I started to feel closer to the earth, and began to enjoy nature a lot more. Biting into a tomato had new meaning for me, and I started appreciating all the plants around me in a new way. I had more compassion for animals, and a new connection to the earth.


My awakening

As a practitioner, I began feeling like traditional western medicine was no longer serving my patients. Apart from quick surgeries and delivering babies, I felt like I couldn’t help patients afflicted with chronic disease such as pelvic pain, fibromyalgia, irregular bleeding, obesity and other illnesses. Our large hospital system is not supportive of food as medicine and an integrative approach to wellness.

The tipping point

My journey into more healing medicine stalled out for several reasons:

  1. I was running a non-profit organization that brought health care to women in developing countries.

  2. My twins were born.

  3. I was Chief of Gynecology at our city’s safety net hospital.

I was so busy and overwhelmed. It all came to a tipping point.

Finding a new practice

I had the opportunity to go to Peru and work with plant medicines. This was life changing for me. I became re-energized and able to see the mind-body-connection of health once again. It is with this restoration and knowledge in areas of mind-body- spirit medicine that I created my new holistic gynecology practice.

My practice lives at the intersection of where traditional western medicine has failed and true wellness begins. I don’t have all the answers; I am on this path with you as well. Please join me on the path to living a more fulfilling, joyful, balanced life!