COVID 19 immune booster


Boost your immune system with these foods

Your food is medicine

  1. Two cups of fruit daily, especially berries

  2. Two cups of vegetables daily, including dark green leafy veggies and cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale)

  3. High anti-oxidant foods: turmeric (in curry), ginger, green tea

  4. Change cooking oil to olive oil only

  5. Foods rich in zinc: nuts, seeds, beans and animal protein

  6. Two to six tablespoons of freshly ground flax seed

  7. Raw cacao powder/ dark chocolate

  8. Fast overnight for 12-14 hours daily

Decrease inflammation in your body

Eliminate (or limit to 1-2 servings/week)

  1. Junk food

  2. Dairy

  3. Bread/pasta/ gluten/processed foods/wheat

  4. Deli meats (sandwich meat, bacon, preserved meat) and red meat

  5. Sugar (2-4 tablespoons/ day of maple syrup and honey are okay)

  6. Soda and other sugary drinks (substitute sparkling water, tea, water)

  7. Alcohol


Improve your microbiome

Our good bacteria fight off the bad bacteria and viruses including mouth and nose bacteria.

Pre–biotics: help nourish the good bacteria in your gut, enhances immunity and lowers inflammation

  1. Artichokes

  2. Onions

  3. Garlic (raw)

  4. Leeks

  5. Oats

  6. Green apples

  7. Under-ripe bananas

Pro-biotics: these foods add good bacteria to your gut. Eat a fermented food each day.

  1. Sauerkraut

  2. kimchee

  3. Yogurt

  4. Kefir

Other things to help your microbiome:

  1. Fast overnight for 12-14 hours (more if you can) as this gives your gut bacteria time to rest and starves bad bacteria. This also improves your immune system and improves metabolism.

  2. Consider a Mediterranean type of diet.



Decrease stress to improve your immune system.

  1. Yoga

  2. Meditate even just 5 minutes/ day

  3. Self massage

  4. Go outside in the early morning, take three deep breaths and say good morning to the sun

  5. Stretch

  6. Do not check your phone for the first hour of each day

  7. Get 8 hours of sleep each night, go to bed by 10pm and wake up at 6am

  8. Spend 30 minutes each day sitting in the sun with your arms and legs exposed (avoid the mid day sun and do not use sunscreen)

  9. Meditate before bedtime

  10. Turn off all electronics one hour before bed

  11. Take a warm bath or shower before bed

  12. Go to church regularly or other social/ spiritual gathering

  13. Mild to moderate exercise boosts your immune system, whereas over-exercising does the opposite


Essential Oils

Many are known to have anti-viral properties such as:

  1. Lemongrass

  2. Rosemary

  3. Thyme

  4. Oregano

  5. Tea tree

To help with anxiety, relaxation and sleep

  1. Lavender

  2. Ylang Ylang

  3. Cedarwood

  4. Orange

  5. Consider a Mediterranean type diet


  1. Vitamins: C, D3 and K

  2. Multivitamins with micronutrients (with A. C, D, E, B complex zinc, selenium)

  3. EGCG (from green tea. which you can buy in a powder form)

  4. Melatonin, standard dose of about 5mg at night.

  5. Curcumin capsules lg/ day (with black pepper)


The wounded spirit and true health


Curry lentil stew