The seasons of a woman’s life cycle

The seasons are changing quickly around here in Nevada County.  The leaves are still changing colors and falling, yet, it is snowing outside. Are you ready for the change? Impermanence, and change are hard for us Westerners.  We like things to stay the same.  With the fall and winter, comes death and re-birth and we get to start anew.  But we don’t have to wait for seasons to start again.  Every day we wake up and start again.  Yesterday may have been a bad day, but today, we get the opportunity to start all over again.


Seasons change like the stages of a woman’s life; from childhood to teenage years and first menarche.  Then comes the years of fertility and motherhood for many, but not all.  This is also the time of productivity and accomplishments. And yet another transition awaits you in your mid-40s/early 50s.  This is usually the time of your soul awakening, where you may start questioning your meaning and your purpose. For me, turning 50 was a big event.  I even planned a plant-medicine ceremony with some of my closest girlfriends to celebrate this occasion. For me, it meant “I’m coming into my own Durga Goddess power” and “I’m no longer going to take BS from anyone”.  It didn’t happen overnight; the journey is still on-going. 


And then the later years, hopefully a time of peace, acceptance and fulfillment of a life well lived. I’m not quite sure, I haven’t been there yet, but recall beautiful stories and soaked in much wisdom from many of my elder patients.


I’ve been practicing gynecology for over 20 years. If you are feeling stuck in any of these stages, I am here, message me and let’s see if I can help.  Don’t expect a medication to help you get through it all.  I’m going to go deep. Are you ready for that?


Divine feminine energy and childbirth


What are you manifesting?