What are you manifesting?

When my daughter Madelaine was 4 years old, she told me she was going to be in the Nutcracker.  Then she stopped ballet and I wondered how she was going to do it.  I forgot about that goal she had, but this year she went back to ballet and now Madelaine is going to be a soldier and an angel in The Nutcracker.  She is now 10 years old. 


When I was a young girl, I thought I would love to live in a small town where in the fall, the leaves changed colors and it was picture perfect.  Kids could ride their bikes all around and it was a safe place to live.  Then after years of trauma and sludge build up, I think I forgot about my dream.


The other day, after dropping the off to school in the morning, I turned the corner, looked at the trees and the changing leaves; and realized I actually manifested this dream I had forgotten about.


About two years ago, I dreamt about my son Haakon being in a Spelling Bee.  He’s always been a gifted speller and I knew this when he was only 6 years old.  About one month ago, he came home from school and told me he was chosen to represent his school in the Nevada County Spelling Bee.    


So how do you manifest your dreams?  Slow down, breathe, and pray.  Listen to the Universe, and pay attention to the clues she is giving you. Go for a walk in nature and listen to the trees. Let go, stop trying to control things around you and TRUST.  IF you have a history of trauma (who doesn’t?) don’t relive it; break the cycle!  AND If you feel stuck, psychedelics and entheogens are great medicines to help your unlock your deepest dreams and intentions.


The seasons of a woman’s life cycle


The wounded spirit and true health